How to Stop Your Dog From Counter Surfing

How to Stop Your Dog From Counter Surfing

Does your dog like to jump up whilst you are in the kitchen preparing food? Or maybe your dog jumps up at your children whilst they are eating their dinner at the table? Have you tried telling your dog off, pushing him/her away, locking him/her in the crate or...
5 Simple Activities to do with your Puppy

5 Simple Activities to do with your Puppy

Here are 5 Simple Activities To Do With Your Pup. Offering mental stimulation is just as important as physical stimulation. And you can offer both with these ideas: 1. Play Hide and Seek This could be you hiding and when your pup finds you, you play with a toy or you...
Are you suffering from Puppy Blues?

Are you suffering from Puppy Blues?

Did you know that Puppy Blues is a thing? If you google it, there are loads of articles and links. But what is it? Quite simply, it’s feeling overwhelmed, low, anxious and/or helplessness after a new puppy arrives in the household and can last up to one year....
That’s Mine! How to Prevent Guarding

That’s Mine! How to Prevent Guarding

Whilst dogs are puppies they often steal things because they are investigating their environment, seeking attention from us or they want to play. If we constantly take things away from dogs and we don’t address the cause of the problem your dog may start to guard. If...